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Github clone | graphql github api
The real world graphql application that fetches github's details and repositories using github graphql API. this app uses apollo-graphql on the client. I designed fully structured architecture: strongly typed with typescript and css compiled with sass. you can give star to repository and also search for a user.
PWA | The Weather app
Get the current weather information of any country. this app uses OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather. This is PWA app that is installable in mobiles and desktop and runs offline. API responses are dynamically cached within service-worker. the app passes through lighthouse audits to generate full mobile-friendly experience.
Mini Mapty
A real-world tracking application that shows user current location using openStreetMap.user can add their running and cycling tracks.I also uses localStorage for data persistance so tracks history never lost.
Forkify | The Foody Hub
Forkify - the beautiful recipe app .Using modern javascript architecture and Forkify recipe API,I created this app that allow users to search recipes , bookmark recipes and add it to shopping list. I also implemented localStorage so data will persist.user can also increase/decrease ingredients according to their needs.