Build with modern technologies

Capable of working in challenging environments. Excited about the opportunity to take the next career step with you.


PigApp | browser based game

I used popular MVC approach to built this browser based game. I used pure javascript and css3 combined to give dynamic view. the player win game if he reach 30 score. player replay the game by clicking the new-game button.

PigApp | browser based game

The shopping cart

Reduxjs - The state-management tool for complex applications. I created this app where user can add, delete and update cart's products. I used modern toolkit that reduxjs provides for building complex states a bit faster.

The shopping cart

Trillo | Your next trip

Trillo enhance its users through their 2 dimensional layout. Code is reused and well-architect by using sass. This website is based on the css flexbox, A better alternative to css floating. css Flexbox gives attractive look to your website.

Trillo | Your next trip


With the modern css compiler, sass I created this awesome 3 dimensional website that moved users attraction toward their houses. this website is based on the css grid system, A better alternative to css flexbox. the site covers latest css techniques and unique layout.



Enhance your communications with psychology-based copywriting and UX writing .The content writer application that describe host ability to enhance audience. The app is based on reactjs and WAAPI(Web animation API).this app uses modern browser supports APIs and technologies.


SCooPY | The web builder

fully responsive mobile friendly website build with css and bootsrap. scoopy is the plateform where you grow your online business. scoopy also hires talented developer. I created this website that covers best key-points of a web agency.

SCooPY | The web builder

Github clone | graphql github api

The real world graphql application that fetches github's details and repositories using github graphql API. this app uses apollo-graphql on the client. I designed fully structured architecture: strongly typed with typescript and css compiled with sass. you can give star to repository and also search for a user.

Github clone | graphql github api

Quiz app | The informative quizzes

  • Fully responsive design.

  • Questions related to 30+ categories.

  • Both multiple choice and true/false questions.

  • Three difficulty levels to choose from.

  • Select the number of questions

this app is a strongly typed  with power of typescript, language built on javascript.

Quiz app | The informative quizzes

PWA | The Weather app

Get the current weather information of any country. this app uses OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather. This is PWA app that is installable in mobiles and desktop and runs offline. API responses are dynamically cached within service-worker. the app passes through lighthouse audits to generate full mobile-friendly experience.

PWA | The Weather app


A beautiful site with power of HTML, CSS3 and bootstrap4. Client-UI give its users a responsive and unique view. A template is designed for website builder who give their customers place to grow their businesses online. Website give simple response so users can communicate easily.


COVIDONA | covid-19 tracker

Get the latest news about covid-19.This apps uses reactjs and react-router styled with material-ui and accessed from meth-dro API.users can search single country for latest update. Data is also represented in graphs with power of chartjs.

COVIDONA | covid-19 tracker

The SpaceX App

Inspired by spaceX graphQL API,The web app informs users about all the launches by SpaceX and its rockets. It queries SpaceX's GraphQL API for the data.its PWA: installable and run offline in any device.Styled with tailwindcss and powered by create-react-app.

The SpaceX App

Mini Mapty

A real-world tracking application that shows user current location using openStreetMap.user can add their running and cycling tracks.I also uses localStorage for data persistance so tracks history never lost.

Mini Mapty

Forkify | The Foody Hub

Forkify - the beautiful recipe app .Using modern javascript architecture and Forkify recipe API,I created this app that allow users to search recipes , bookmark recipes and add it to shopping list. I also implemented localStorage so data will persist.user can also increase/decrease ingredients according to their needs.

Forkify | The Foody Hub

Expense Tracker

The best way to grasp a new technology is to first master its fundamentals. This is SPA reactjs app uses its core and modern feature like hooks and context API. this is PWA app: install and runs offline. users can calculate their incomes and add expenses on daily basis.

Expense Tracker